b'YOU CAN DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT, THANKS TO THE $100,000 CHALLENGE FUNDS! 2 GIFT OF A GOOD START Give freshmen students the gift 5 GIFT OF SUMMER SUPPORT Provide support for foster youth $50,000 of college support $10,000during the summerFoster youth are most likely to drop out ofWhen college dormitories close for the college during their first year due to thesummer, foster youth are left without a lack of support and the increased cost ofsafe place to stay! Your gift of $10,000 college supplies, food, transportation, andwill help with temporary rent, basic living other college fees. Your gift of $50,000, willexpenses, and transportation during those support freshman students by providingcrucial summer months. Knowing they private tutoring, financial aid support,have a place to stay, gives students the connection to campus resources, and soopportunity to pursue summer internships, much more! When they lose their footing,enrichment opportunities, and even a little your generosity will be there to help. This gift will make TWICE the impact, recreational fun. thanks to the challenge gift!Supporting foster youths GIFT OF WELLNESS 3 Provide foster youth withGIFT OF LEARNING 6mental health through$25,000 proper technology, books,$5,000counseling and therapy and suppliesMOST Your gift provides counseling, therapy,Your gift of $5,000 provides the and wellness resources for a fosternecessary technology, books, andNEEDED!youth. Having no family supportsupplies to students in need. Your increases anxiety and depression,gift fills the gaps where financial aid causing real barriers to school success.comes up short and provides the tools Your gift allows UFCs professionala student needs to stay focused on counselors to be there when times getlearning. From laptops to expensive tough, and our youth start to doubttextbooks, this gift ensures our youth their potential.are set up for academic success.This gift will make TWICE the impact,thanks to the challenge gift!4 GIFT OF A HELPING HAND 7 GIFT OF COLLEGE LIFE$15,000 Give a helping hand to a foster$2,500 Provide foster youth the college youth when they need it the most life experienceThere is often no safety net for fosterCollege is supposed to be fun, and foster youth.So, if something unexpectedstudents need a little pocket money happens, it can quickly become theto immerse themselves in the campus reason a student gives up on their collegeexperience. Whether its study sessions education. Your gift of $15,000 will ensureat the local coffee house, pizza and movie UFC is there to help students throughnight with friends, or a bus card to get these challenges, providing guidance,around, your generous gift will make housing, and emergency assistance, as wellsure foster students get the most from This gift will make TWICE the impact, as support for food, transportation, andThis gift will make TWICE the impact, their college experience.thanks to the challenge gift! childcare expenses. thanks to the challenge gift!'