Friday, February 26th, 2021 By UFC

Thank you to our NextGen Board who put on United Friends’ second annual Trivia Galaxy Night! We are so grateful to everyone who joined in on the festivities last night and helped raise funds for LA County foster youth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Monday, February 22nd, 2021 By UFC

Despite facing many obstacles, Julisa, a dedicated, kind, and passionate young woman in our Scholars program, is on her way to fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a nurse. Currently, she is at Riverside City College but will be transferring to CSU Fullerton to complete their RN Program. Earlier in her journey, Julisa had to …

Monday, February 22nd, 2021 By UFC

This February 2021 we celebrate Demonte “Tray” Thompson and his twin brother, Demontea “Tae” Thompson as our Foster Care Heroes of the Month! We could not be prouder of these two men, who currently work to advance and elevate young people through their nonprofit, Twinspire. Tray is a UFC Board member, and Trae is Twinspire’s …

Monday, January 25th, 2021 By UFC

Salena, a Pathways alumna, is such an inspiration! Her ability to self-reflect, to overcome personal challenges, and her determination to reach her goals speaks of her resilience. When Salena first came to Pathways, she had trouble managing her finances and would often not have enough to purchase basic needs items. Salena was able to find a …

Monday, January 25th, 2021 By UFC

We are so proud to announce Alain J Datcher, a UFC alumnus, as this month’s Foster Care Hero. Alain is the new Executive Director for Los Angeles County’s newly formed Youth Commission where he will help ensure that no policy, program, or delivery of services in LA County is developed or executed without being informed …

Monday, January 25th, 2021 By UFC

With generous support from the LA County Office of Education, UFC has hired a new COVID-19 Support College Counselor to provide intensive support to youth struggling with learning loss, academic performance, and social and emotional wellness. As reported last spring, foster youth in LAUSD had one of the lowest participation rates in remote learning among …

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020 By UFC

UFC distributed over $40,000 in gifts and gift cards at our annual holiday party for our current and former program participants. We’d like to give a special thank you to DJ Felli Fel who joined the virtual party and raised over $10,000 through his second annual Felli’s Navidad Fundraiser. We’d also like to give a …

Monday, November 23rd, 2020 By UFC

When Celestina became a Pathways resident, she had just emancipated from foster care and was struggling with severe anxiety and depression. While in Pathways, she began therapy and her mental health improved. She also started a savings account by working part-time and full-time jobs, all while attending school full time. Celestina was a large part of the Pathways …

Monday, November 23rd, 2020 By UFC

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 2020 Virtual Gala in support of foster youth on Monday, November 16! Thanks to your generous support along with the help of our wonderful host Tiffany Haddish and illustrious guests, Seal, Mandy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith, Jordan Fisher, and Jimmy Wayne, we surpassed our goal of raising $450K for …

Monday, November 23rd, 2020 By UFC

Earlier this month, our residents participated in a critical “Coping with the Holidays” workshop. Youth and staff dialogued about what the holidays mean to them and what strategies can help promote self-care and stable mental health through this unique holiday season. Some ideas shared included enjoying nature, calling friends, checking in with loved ones, and watching …