Get Involved
Getting involved with United Friends means making a lasting impact on the lives of current and former foster youth. Joining our community is about learning, collaborating, and sharing your skills with the UFC family of current and former foster youth. Volunteer, provide internships, or make in-kind contributions to take part in the positive changes we are making within the foster care community.
To volunteer with us at UFC, complete the our volunteer form below. After completion, a member of the UFC team will get back to you to schedule an orientation session, interview, background check, and fingerprinting. Once complete, you will be trained and begin your service!
When volunteers learn what it's like for foster youth to start college alone and without the support of friends and family, they are inspired to fill that gap and offer assistance. One way to help is through supplying dorm kit necessities to our Scholars students as they embark on their college journey.
In-Kind Contributions
In-kind contributions are a great way to support the current and former foster youth we serve. Gather your friends, family, and colleagues together to host a fundraising drive. Donate gift cards to help pay for food, clothing, alarm clocks, backpacks and much more. Or simply post about our cause on social media to spread the word. Every little bit helps our mission!
“The holiday gift wrap event at UFC was a great team building event for our office. It was inspiring to witness UFC’s dedication and determination in helping children in need.”
-Karlin Asset Management
Internships for our foster youth can be life changing. Youth in our Pathways and Scholars programs can benefit from opportunities that range from paid, entry-level administrative positions to industry-specific roles for college students and recent graduates. Paid internships typically run from 8-10 weeks, range from 25-40 hours per week, and give youth the chance to explore career interests and gain valuable hands-on work experience. These invaluable opportunities often lead to foster youth having the skills and training needed to secure permanent employment.
Grassroots Fundraising
We could not do our work supporting LA County foster youth without the generous support of our community, and there are plenty of small ways that you can personally make a big impact!