Foster Care Hero of the Month
Friday, February 25th, 2022

“The depths of their pain, the depths of their experience and being without, trying to struggle to have a decent life on their own, nobody should have to live that way. We want to be a part of the solution.” – Bishop Ed Smith.

Our February Hero of the Month is Bishop Ed Smith! In addition to being a bishop at a local church near our Whittier housing site, he is the Founder and Executive Director of The Nehemiah Project, which houses and assists transition-age foster youth. Their mission is to promote the physical and emotional well-being of youth through psychological, educational leadership, and transitional living services in a residential community. 

Bishop Ed Smith has been a partner with United Friends for over a decade. Our housing program recently teamed up with The Nehemiah Project to house some of our participants, including two of our referrals who will be living in a newly remodeled share-living home.

Thank you for your constant commitment to offering meaningful support to youth in foster care, Bishop Ed Smith!

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