Monday, January 25th, 2021 By UFC

Salena, a Pathways alumna, is such an inspiration! Her ability to self-reflect, to overcome personal challenges, and her determination to reach her goals speaks of her resilience. When Salena first came to Pathways, she had trouble managing her finances and would often not have enough to purchase basic needs items. Salena was able to find a …

Monday, January 25th, 2021 By UFC

We are so proud to announce Alain J Datcher, a UFC alumnus, as this month’s Foster Care Hero. Alain is the new Executive Director for Los Angeles County’s newly formed Youth Commission where he will help ensure that no policy, program, or delivery of services in LA County is developed or executed without being informed …

Monday, November 23rd, 2020 By UFC

When Celestina became a Pathways resident, she had just emancipated from foster care and was struggling with severe anxiety and depression. While in Pathways, she began therapy and her mental health improved. She also started a savings account by working part-time and full-time jobs, all while attending school full time. Celestina was a large part of the Pathways …

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 By UFC

This past year, one of our Pathways residents, Queysi, showed an inspiring amount of grit and perseverance after suffering a severe car accident that left her with a totaled car and significant back injuries. After quitting her job to undergo months of physical therapy, Queysi’s ability to function and complete everyday tasks slowly returned. Once …

Sunday, March 10th, 2019 By UFC

Last month United Friends of the Children headed to Washington, D.C. for NCAN Hill Day, an annual event coordinated by National College Access Network that brings students from across the country to D.C. in an effort to advocate for policy change around college access and affordability for all students.

Monday, December 19th, 2016 By UFC

Read Carla’s personal journey through the foster care system, her battle with cancer, and connection with UFC.

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 By UFC

Like many children raised in the foster care system, Tray learned self-reliance at a very early age.

Friday, November 18th, 2016 By UFC

Foster care disrupted my life when I was just three months old. I entered the system because my parents abused alcohol…

Sunday, June 5th, 2016 By UFC

CSP 2002 Alumna, Daisy Gonzales, graduated with a P.h.D. in Sociology last week from UC, Santa Barbara.