Monday, January 25th, 2021 By UFC

With generous support from the LA County Office of Education, UFC has hired a new COVID-19 Support College Counselor to provide intensive support to youth struggling with learning loss, academic performance, and social and emotional wellness. As reported last spring, foster youth in LAUSD had one of the lowest participation rates in remote learning among …

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020 By UFC

UFC distributed over $40,000 in gifts and gift cards at our annual holiday party for our current and former program participants. We’d like to give a special thank you to DJ Felli Fel who joined the virtual party and raised over $10,000 through his second annual Felli’s Navidad Fundraiser. We’d also like to give a …

Monday, November 23rd, 2020 By UFC

Earlier this month, our residents participated in a critical “Coping with the Holidays” workshop. Youth and staff dialogued about what the holidays mean to them and what strategies can help promote self-care and stable mental health through this unique holiday season. Some ideas shared included enjoying nature, calling friends, checking in with loved ones, and watching …

Sunday, March 10th, 2019 By UFC

Last month United Friends of the Children headed to Washington, D.C. for NCAN Hill Day, an annual event coordinated by National College Access Network that brings students from across the country to D.C. in an effort to advocate for policy change around college access and affordability for all students.