Andrew Achieves Academic Success
Monday, May 1st, 2023

Andrew started college Fall 2021 at Cal State University Northridge. He was nervous about enrolling in in-person classes due to having experienced his last years of high school online. He decided to enroll in all online classes and give himself time to integrate into in-person classes. Soon after, he was disappointed that college was not what he thought it would be due to online learning and became unmotivated to do well in classes. He often stated, “I just want to pass with a C” and “I don’t want to try to do anything higher than that,” and sometimes he contemplated withdrawing from college. He ended the 2021-2022 school year with a 2.19 GPA.

It was through encouragement and support by his UFC Counselor to get involved at his campus with foster youth support programs, working on time management strategies, and attending workshops provided by UFC that Andrew began to feel comfortable and slowly began to open himself to in-person contact. Andrew enrolled in all in-person courses for Fall 2022, and although still a bit nervous about being able to advocate for his needs or thoughts in class, he finished the semester with a 3.4 GPA. Andrew is a Psychology major and continues to explore what career route he will take. Ending Fall 2022 semester with a 3.4-term GPA is a huge accomplishment for him. This academic milestone sparked a new sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. Andrew knows he is capable of doing well in college and wants to continue to challenge himself academically.

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