College with Care is an initiative that supports foster youth transitioning into higher education to ensure academic success. College can be a stressful time for many, but especially for foster youth who experience instability, financial burdens, and a lack of support and guidance from parents. This year, we aim to address the regrettable results of learning loss. We have been anxiously awaiting the effects of remote education on our kids ever since we first felt the impact of the pandemic. And even while we work hard to support our youth, the consequences are becoming apparent.
Your support of College with Care will provide 1 year of services to students from high school juniors to college freshmen. The services include assistance with financial expenses, college counseling, and emotional and wellness support. Your gift will prepare our foster youth for the rigors of college and ensure they succeed no matter what hurdles they face.
College with Care Gift Catalog
College Preparation:
• College Counseling
• College Visits
• Individualized Tutoring
• College and Financial Aid Applications
Financial Support:
• High School Graduation Costs
• School Supplies and Book Expenses Support
• Campus Housing and housing accommodations during summer breaks
• Move-in Expenses and Dorm Essentials
• Food and Grocery Cards
• Child Care for youth with young children
Emotional and Wellness Support:
• Therapy and Social-Emotional Wellness Support
• Counselor Advocacy
• Support with unexpected emergencies that threaten continued enrollment
Whether it’s rent assistance, school supplies, tutoring, or even job support, your gift to College with Care will make a real and immediate impact.